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Image de Jessica Tan



Maintenance of walls & armature

Services Gardère intervenes for the washing of the walls during their repainting or renovation. Washing the walls is a regular maintenance operation for the interior of common areas.


Walls, doors, baseboards, moldings, even difficult to access, after washing, find a remarkable state of cleanliness or prepare them before painting.


Our company sets its high standards on the use and size of the maintenance and cleaning areas entrusted to it by the trustees and building managers.


You benefit from a professional service for all spaces and surfaces:


Meeting room

Common parts





Our Method

Using equipment and products suitable for the deep cleaning of walls and ceilings, the teams clean dirty walls and ceilings, removing stains, traces of grease or smoke.


The Gardère Services teams intervene with the equipment and materials adapted to this type of cleaning (ladders, washing machines, dedicated products, etc.) to guarantee the result which will give a natural shine to your premises, offices, condominiums, etc.


Vacant or occupied premises, Service Gardère intervenes in optimal safety conditions, particularly with regard to the electrical installations present.


Cleaning of lighting fittings

It is a wise choice for businesses or condo towers to invest in cleaning light fixtures and light diffusers, as this not only optimizes the working environment, but also minimizes energy costs.


Thanks to the efficient and uniform distribution of light, fewer lighting systems are required, and the regular cleaning of luminaires and light diffusers reduces the need to purchase spare parts. Plus, a thorough cleaning removes dirt and debris to ensure even light distribution, while reducing glare and shadowing.

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